Drop-off points #

OYX Express Extra Small, OYX Standard Extra Small, OYX Economy Extra Small, OYX Standard Budget, OYX Standard Small, OYX Economy Small, OYX Standard Big, OYX Standard Premium Small, OYX Economy Premium Small, OYX Standard Premium Big, OYX Super Big

Address Customer service phone number Opening hours
Ouyaxing Guangzhou Warehouse: Guangdong Province, Guangzhou City, Baiyun District, Hebian, No. 3 Helong Erheng Road, B128 Ouyaxing International 17324015789, 18024095889, 19124018032 Mon-Sat 9:00–12:00, 12:30–22:30
Ouyaxing Suifenhe Warehouse: Suifenhe, Wusuli Street Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Ouyaxing International, East Side of Haidu Electromechanical Warehouse 5, Gate 2 17324015789, 18024095889, 19124018032 Mon-Sat 9:00–12:00, 12:30–22:30

You can use the shipping provider’s pick-up service.

Contacts #

Phone number WeChat ID Email Working hours
Contact person 19876105789 GDOYX6789 454565306@qq.com
Customer support 17324015789, 18024095889, 19124018032 OYX-0001, GDOYX777, OYX-0002 Mon-Sun 9:00–12:00, 13:30–23:00. Additional working hours: Mon-Sat 19:30–22:30

Shipping restrictions #

OYX Express Extra Small, OYX Standard Extra Small, OYX Economy Extra Small, OYX Standard Budget, OYX Standard Small, OYX Economy Small, OYX Standard Big, OYX Standard Premium Small, OYX Economy Premium Small, OYX Standard Premium Big

Shipping provider’s list of prohibited products (PDF)

Restrictions of the EEC (PDF)

Rates #

You can calculate the delivery cost using our calculator.

Forward logistics #

Reverse logistics #

Compensation rate #

Shipment group Maximum compensation for loss or damage
Extra Small
Up to 1,500 RUB
Up to 7,000 RUB
Premium Small
Premium Big
Up to 250,000 RUB

Delivery times #

Express (PDF)

Standard (PDF)

Economy (PDF)

Methods for shipments over 25 kg #

OYX Super Big

Drop-off points

  • Minimum shipment weight: 26 kg.
  • Maximum shipment weight: 31 kg.
  • Maximum shipment dimensions: no restrictions.
  • Maximum shipment cost: 18,500 RUB.
  • Label size: 10 × 15 cm or larger.
  • Products with batteries inside as well as standalone batteries are allowed to be shipped. MSDS is not required.
  • Shipping provider’s list of prohibited products.
  • List of products prohibited for transportation based on the Edict of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
  • Transportation is possible for personal-use items; commercial shipments aren’t allowed. Each package with general-use items can carry no more than 3 pieces of the same product or 3 pieces of different products in it. Each package with electronic products is limited to 2 pieces.
  • In case of shipment loss or damage, the shipping provider provides compensations limited to the full order price. The compensation sum doesn’t exceed 1,400 CNY.
Conditions and rates until 01.12.2024


OYX Super Air

  • Minimum shipment weight: 100 g.
  • Maximum shipment weight: 25 kg.
  • Maximum shipment dimensions: 150 × 80 × 80 cm.
  • Maximum shipment cost: 300,000 RUB.
  • Products with batteries inside as well as standalone batteries are allowed to be shipped. MSDS is not required.
  • Shipping provider’s list of prohibited products.
  • List of products prohibited for transportation based on the Edict of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
  • Transportation is possible for personal-use items; commercial shipments aren’t allowed. Each package with general-use items can carry no more than 3 pieces of the same product or 3 pieces of different products in it. Each package with electronic products is limited to 2 pieces.
  • In case of shipment loss or damage, the shipping provider provides compensations limited to the full order price. The compensation sum doesn’t exceed 1,400 CNY.

OYX Super Truck

  • Minimum shipment weight: 100 g.
  • Maximum shipment weight: 25 kg.
  • Maximum shipment dimensions: 150 × 80 × 80 cm.
  • Maximum shipment cost: 300,000 RUB.
  • Label size: 10 × 15 cm or larger.
  • Products with batteries inside as well as standalone batteries are allowed to be shipped. MSDS is not required.
  • Shipping provider’s list of prohibited products.
  • List of products prohibited for transportation based on the Edict of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
  • Transportation is possible for personal-use items; commercial shipments aren’t allowed. Each package with general-use items can carry no more than 3 pieces of the same product or 3 pieces of different products in it. Each package with electronic products is limited to 2 pieces.
  • In case of shipment loss or damage, the shipping provider provides compensations limited to the full order price. The compensation sum doesn’t exceed 1,400 CNY.

OYX Extra Small Super Economy, OYX Extra Small Economy, OYX Extra Small Standard

  • Maximum shipment weight: 500 g.
  • Maximum shipment dimensions: the sum of height + width + length must be less than 90 cm, with the longest side not exceeding 60 cm.
  • Maximum shipment cost: 1 500 RUB.
  • Products with batteries inside as well as standalone batteries are allowed to be shipped. MSDS is not required.
  • Shipping provider’s list of prohibited products.
  • List of products prohibited for transportation based on the Edict of the Eurasian Economic Commission.
  • Transportation is possible for personal-use items; commercial shipments aren’t allowed. Each package with general-use items can carry no more than 3 pieces of the same product or 3 pieces of different products in it. Each package with electronic products is limited to 2 pieces.
  • In case of shipment loss or damage, the shipping provider provides compensations limited to the full order price. The compensation sum doesn’t exceed 1 000 RUB.


Forward logistics

OYX Super Air

Shipment delivery cost is calculated depending on the sum of shipment length, width, and height (L + W + H). If the sum (L + W + H) is:

  • less or equal to 90 cm, the cost is calculated by physical weight;
  • more than 90 cm, the cost is calculated by volumetric weight: L × W × H (cm) ÷ 6000 or L × W × H (mm) ÷ 6 000 000.
Delivery Shipment 100 g
To pick-up point 18.00 CNY 6.00 CNY
Courier delivery 21.00 CNY 6.00 CNY

OYX Super Air delivery times and rates from 5.10.2023 (PDF)

OYX Super Truck

Rates are calculated based on the shipment physical weight, no additional coefficients apply.

Weight measurements are rounded upward in 100 g increments.

Delivery Shipment 100 g
To pick-up point 18.00 CNY 4.50 CNY
Courier delivery 21.00 CNY 4.50 CNY

OYX Super Truck delivery times and rates from 12.03.2024 (PDF)

OYX Super Big

Rates are calculated based on the shipment physical weight, no additional coefficients apply.

Weight measurements are rounded upward in 1 kg increments.

Delivery Shipment 1 kg
Courier delivery 0 45.00 CNY

OYX Super Big delivery times and rates from 5.10.2023 (PDF)

OYX Extra Small Super Economy, OYX Extra Small Economy, OYX Extra Small Standard

Rates are calculated based on the shipment physical weight, no additional coefficients apply.

Weight measurements are rounded upward in 1 g increments.

Delivery Shipment 1 g
To pick-up point (Super Economy) 2.90 CNY 0.024 CNY
To pick-up point (Economy) 2.90 CNY 0.036 CNY
To pick-up point (Standard) 2.90 CNY 0.046 CNY

OYX Extra Small Super Economy delivery times and rates (PDF)

OYX Extra Small Economy delivery times and rates (PDF)

OYX Extra Small Standard delivery times and rates (PDF)

Returns and cancellations

Shipping provider Shipments not sent
from the Drop-off point
Shipments canceled
before customs clearance
Unclaimed shipments
OYX Super Air

OYX Super Truck

OYX Super Big
Free Free Free
OYX Extra Small Super Economy

OYX Extra Small Economy

OYX Extra Small Standard
Disposal or return
at no extra charge
Free disposal Free disposal

To arrange a return, contact the carrier by mail: Ozon369OYX@163.com.

Official website

Track shipments here

Archive of rates and delivery times

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