The metric is calculated only for sellers who work under the realFBS scheme.
The cancellation percentage is the share of shipments that you’ve canceled in the last 14 days. Ozon doesn’t take into account the current and previous days, so that you can contact support service if the order is canceled not by your fault.
Find out cancellation percentage #
You can view the cancellation percentage:
- In the report in the Analytics → Reports → Quality control → Cancellation rate section.
- In the Analytics → Ratings section in the realFBS → Cancellation percentage block.
- In the personal account: Ozon will send it if you exceed the cancellation threshold.
Calculation scheme #
Once you’ve sent the first 10 orders, Ozon will start recalculating the metric daily.
Cancellation percentage is the number of shipments you canceled divided by the total number of shipments created. Ozon takes into account shipments for the last 14 days.
Which shipments are taken into account in the calculation #
Ozon takes into account shipments that:
- You didn’t package and deliver in time, and Ozon had to cancel them.
- Were not carried by your shipping provider if you deliver products by a third-party service.
- You canceled yourself at the customer’s request. If they have difficulties canceling the order, suggest that they contact our support team.
- Were out of stock when ordered.
You can view all canceled shipments in the Logistics→ Orders from my warehouses → Canceled section.
Blocking #
We separate blockings for cancellations and overdue shipments. Each metric is calculated independently. At the first violation, the monitoring period starts and a warning appears that the metric value has exceeded the threshold.
If the metric is not improved by the end of the monitoring period, the store is getting blocked.
To remove the blocking, improve your metric or wait until it ends to resume sales. The blocking lasts for 3 days.
To avoid blocking by the cancellation percentage:
- Before you start packaging the order, make sure all products are in stock, and you can package the order and hand it over for delivery in time. By clicking Package the order, you agree to shipment delivery terms.
- Keep track of stocks and regularly update the information on the amount of products at the warehouse. Customers won’t be able to place an order for items that are out of stock.
- Pay attention to the products already reserved by customers.
- Pay attention to non-working days: orders not packaged on time will be canceled.
- Before adding the products to your warehouse, make sure that the shipping provider of the warehouse’s delivery methods you set up can deliver this product. Cancellations from the shipping provider are also taken into account in the metric.
- If you aren’t sure about packaging the shipment on time, cancel it before packaging. If you don’t package the order on time, we can cancel it.
Learn more about order management under the realFBS scheme
If you have technical errors, contact support service: Sales and supplies blocking → By realFBS metrics. Describe the problem and attach a screenshot of your personal account, where the error text, number, and shipping date are visible.