Preparing for increased demand

Setting up logistics #

  • Update warehouse stocks and book products for orders on time so that you don’t have to cancel orders because of stock shortages.

  • Perform an inventory to check the stock of your products. Make sure that all products are in stock and don’t have any defects.

  • Check if the delivery intervals are up to date using the Quality control report. You can set up actual delivery terms in the logistics settings to improve your metrics for cancellations, overdue shipments, and deliveries. If you deliver products by non-integrated services, check with the carrier for actual delivery geography.

  • Involve more employees on peak days or set maximum intervals for order packaging.

Shipping #

  • Follow packaging and labeling requirements to avoid misgradings.
    Learn more about packaging requirements under rFBS

  • Prepare shipments according to the carrier’s requirements. If you have multiple shipping methods connected, please check which method and which shipping service you need to use when sending your orders.

  • Put a label on the shipment that reads “Order assembled and packaged videorecorded”. The label can be a sticker or a piece of paper taped to the package. This may help you avoid unjustified returns from customers.
    Learn more about video recording

  • If you use integrated delivery services, make sure to ship orders at the rates specified in your contract with the carrier to maintain delivery terms and quality.

  • Switch to daily shipments so that customers don’t cancel orders because of long delivery.

Notifications #

  • Check notifications about new orders on the Shipments tab in your personal account or in the Ozon Seller app for iOS or Android.
    Learn more about managing orders in the Ozon Seller app

  • Set up your browser to automatically refresh pages or manually refresh them regularly so that you don’t miss new orders.

  • Keep an eye on messages from Ozon support team in your personal account.

Working with customer loyalty #

  • Keep track of complaints about your products.
    Learn more about working with complaints

  • Make your instructions about returning the product more detailed. You can change them when editing the warehouse in the Logistics section.
    Learn more about editing warehouses

  • Update order statuses on time if you deliver orders yourself or by a third-party service. This will help you maintain quality metrics and your rating on a decent level.

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