Sports Nutrition Products

Rules for selling products in this category #

  1. The placement of vitamins and dietary supplements, parapharmaceuticals, and medications is prohibited. The sale of medications is completely prohibited.

  2. You can place products yourself. They will become available only after the quality control documents, namely, the Certificate of State Registration (CSR) or Declaration of Conformity (DC), are uploaded and checked.

  3. The required document type depends on the type, composition, and description of the product:

    • For food products—Declaration of Conformity (DC).
    • For food products for particular nutritional uses—Certificate of State Registration (CSR).
  4. To find out if your product falls under the food products for particular nutritional uses category, you can consult the following:

    • Technical regulation of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Food Products” whereby this category includes items with an established chemical composition, increased nutritional value, and (or) specific action that are comprised of a single product or multiple products and capable of improving human adaptability to physical and emotional stress.
    • GOST 34006-2016 “Specialized Foodstuffs. Food Products for Athletes' Nutrition. Terms and Definitions.” The document determines the ingredient percentage you can base on to establish if a product falls under the food products for particular nutritional uses category. Please note that the document does not cover all types of products.
    • Other products. This category features all products that do not fall under the food products for particular nutritional uses category. In this case, DC shall be provided.

In the event of a violation of the rules, we reserve the right to block a PDP with the violation and fully terminate our cooperation.

Uploading products #

To make your products become available for purchase on Ozon, do the following:

  1. Upload the products. When uploading, specify the actual composition and upload pictures of the product and the composition as shown on the packaging.
  2. In your profile, go to Products → Quality certificates and upload the Declaration of Conformity (DC) or Certificate of State Registration (CSR).
  3. Link the uploaded products to the corresponding documents.
  4. After successfully completing the moderation and having the uploaded documents checked, the products will become available for purchase on Ozon.

Regulations #

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