View product errors #
“Errors” tab #
The tab displays products with critical errors.
Status | What it means | What happens to the product |
Not created | You’ve made mistakes when creating the product or didn’t accept the offer | Not displayed on the Ozon website |
Being created | The product is awaiting moderation | Not displayed on the Ozon website |
Not updated Update rejected by moderator |
You’ve edited the PDP, but the change hasn’t passed Ozon moderation | Un-updated PDP is displayed on the website |
Updated by moderator | You’ve added changes to the PDP, it’s awaiting moderation | Displayed on the Ozon website until the latest changes |
To make the PDP appear on the website, correct the errors.
“For improvement” tab #
Products with minor issues:
- there is a new mandatory product characteristic;
- the characteristic value is outdated;
- failed to load the main photo, an additional image is put in its place.
If you correct the errors, the product will go from the For improvement to Ready for sale or On sale tab.
Common errors #
There are several types of errors that can occur when uploading or editing products:
- Moderation errors: found during manual verification.
- Validation errors: found by the system. If you don’t correct them, the product won’t be sold. Validation errors types.
The most common errors and recommendations on how to fix them are listed below. Follow them and the hints in your personal account when working with PDPs. If your error isn’t in the list, or you have questions, contact support: select a Content/Working with the PDP → Error in the created product topic.
To find the error you need faster, copy its name from your personal account and use the article search via “Ctrl+F” or “Cmd+F”.
Errors when working with the PDP #
Error | Causes | How to fix it |
Unrecognizable text in the attribute value. Fill in the field in Russian |
The attribute description contains invalid characters. You can’t use Chinese characters. | Fill in the characteristics in Russian or English. You can use digits and special characters. |
Required attribute is not filled in | You haven’t filled in the required characteristics. | Fill in product characteristics marked with an asterisk. |
The PDP is not being created | Mandatory characteristics aren’t filled in. | Fill in the characteristics marked with an asterisk in the PDP. |
The PDP of an existing product is not copied | The PDP holder has enabled a ban on copying by other sellers. | Copy another PDP or create a product manually. |
Such a product already exists | • The system considered your product a duplicate • You’re trying to create a product similar in characteristics to an existing product. |
Products with different product IDs should have at least one characteristic different. If these are different products, and you didn’t want to merge them, change the “Model name” or “Merge on one PDP” characteristic so that they differ for products with different product IDs. |
This product already exists | You’re trying to create a PDP for a product that already exists in your current or another personal account. | You can’t create duplicates. Use an existing PDP or make a product differ from the rest of your PDPs. If you think that the product doesn’t duplicate an existing one, contact our support team. |
The warehouse is inactive. To update the stocks, activate the warehouse | You haven’t delivered a single shipment to the selected pick-up point within 30 calendar days. In this case, Ozon has the right to stop receiving your shipments at this receiving point and move your warehouse to the archive. | To activate the warehouse: 1. Go to the FBO → Own warehouses section. On the warehouse PDP, click ![]() 2. In the Shipping orders block, click Edit. 3. On the edit page, click Contact support and create a request. Warehouse activation will take 1–2 days. |
All images didn’t load | The images don’t meet the requirements or you made a mistake in the image link. | Check that all images meet the requirements and you’ve correctly received links to them. How to get direct links to images |
Failed to recognize the category and type in the uploaded template of another marketplace | The category and type don’t exist in the Ozon system or are filled in incorrectly. | Make sure that the category and type are included in the list of supported ones and are filled in correctly. How to select a category and type If there are no errors, contact support: Content (PDP) → Creating products → Errors when creating products → Product has a wrong category. Attach a file with errors or a list of categories of another marketplace to the request. The category names in the list must be identical to the names in the file of another marketplace. We’ll manually change your product category and type. You can change the category and type when editing the product in your personal account. Uploading via the template is temporarily available only for the “Clothing”, “Footwear”, and “Beauty” categories. |
The product category and type aren’t specified | No value is selected in the Category and type field. | Specify the product category and type correctly. They are used for calculating the commission fee amount. |
Invalid product length, height, width, or weight in the package for this category | For each product category there are maximum and minimum Package weight, g, Package length, mm, Package width, mm, and Package height, mm fields' values. The value you specified doesn’t match the valid values. Learn more about volume and weight characteristics |
You may have specified values in the wrong measurement units or mixed up the measurements in places: length should be the largest of the measurements, height the smallest. If your product belongs to the “Clothing” category, when measuring the product in the package, fold it in half. If the folded product dimensions exceed 450 × 320 × 320 mm, fold the product in half again. If the product is too bulky and it can’t be folded in half again, leave the previous values. Please note that in this case, you’ll have to supply products to another Ozon warehouse separately from those whose dimensions don’t exceed the maximum permissible values. If the measurements are correct, contact us, or in your personal account at the bottom of the screen, select Create a request. Select a Content/Working with the PDP → Incorrect display on the site topic. In the request, write the product category, its weight, and dimensions. Ozon will review the request and expand the range. |
Errors in product characteristics #
Error | Causes | How to fix it |
There is an information about another brand in the photo, description, and/or name | The main or additional photo contains: • the brand logo or print doesn’t match the value in the “Brand” characteristic; • a logo is shown that looks like a popular brand logo, but is not. |
Check: • The main and additional photo. Correct them so that the brand logo or print on the photo corresponds to the value specified in the “Brand” characteristic. • The correspondence of the filled-in value in the “Brand” characteristic and the actual product brand. Learn more about working with brands |
The description should not contain contacts, links to websites, or a call for communication | The description has: • phone numbers, website addresses, links to social media accounts; • calls to contact the seller outside of Ozon; • comparison with another brand; • calls to action: view the assortment, make a purchase, compare products on other sites; • appeals to charity; • mentions of other marketplaces. |
Remove advertising information and contacts from the product description. Learn more about product description |
The description should not contain information about delivery and returns terms | The description contains information about: • delivery: terms, cost, method, geography, speed; • return. |
Remove delivery and return information from the description. Learn more about product description |
The description doesn’t match the photo or the product name | The product description doesn’t match the images, name, or most of the actual product characteristics. | Change the description to match the product. Learn more about product description |
There is an incoherent text in the description: it’s difficult to understand the meaning | The description contains: • meaningless text or grammatical errors; • more than half of the text is in a foreign language. |
Create a text that will help the customer learn more about the product: for example, its key advantages and purpose. Learn more about product description |
The description entirely in Latin | The product description isn’t written in Cyrillic. | Rewrite the product description using mainly Cyrillic. |
Hieroglyphs in the description | Hieroglyphs are used in the product description. | Rewrite the product description using mainly Cyrillic. |
Long enumerations in the description | There are a lot of enumerations, synonyms of the product type, and key search queries in the product description. Wrong: Women’s T-shirt / Summer T-shirt / Printed T-shirt / T-shirt Correct: Summer women’s T-shirt with print. |
Change the product description: • remove keywords and synonyms describing the product type; • write about useful product characteristics and features. |
Not enough punctuation in the description | There are no punctuation marks in the product description or there are too few of them. | Change the product description so that it conforms to the Russian language punctuation rules. |
Too long words in the description | There are words longer than 27 characters in the product description. | • Replace the words with shorter ones. • Make sure that there are no spaces between the words. |
The name doesn’t match the product | Product name doesn’t match the images, description, or most of the actual product characteristics. | Change the name to match the product. Learn more about product name |
You can’t use evaluative vocabulary or a link to the site in the name | Product name contains: • contact information; • appeals to charity; • mentions of other marketplaces; • promotion, discount, raffle, cashback indication; • comparison of a product with another brand. |
Correct the text so that it conforms to the rules. Learn more about product name |
The name should not contain information about delivery and returns terms | Product name contains information about: • delivery: terms, cost, method, geography, speed; • returns. |
Remove the delivery and return information from the name. Learn more about product name |
Check the text consistency in the name | Product name contains: • incoherent text; • words inconsistent with each other; • repetitions; • only foreign words; • enumeration of keywords, search queries, synonyms of the product name. |
Correct the text so that it conforms to the rules. Learn more about product name |
Correct typos in the name | Product name is made up with typos. | Correct the typos. |
The words in the name are too long | There are words longer than 27 characters in the product name. | Replace the words with shorter ones. Make sure that there are no spaces between the words. |
Product name is too long | Product name is more than 200 characters. | Shorten the product name: leave only the most important characteristics. |
Name in Latin | Product name is written entirely in Latin Exception: “Books — Foreign edition” category. |
Make up the name in Cyrillic. |
Name contains invalid characters | There are invalid characters in the name. | Use the characters from the list: • а–я А–Я; • a–z A–Z; • 0-9; • () " ' & ; , . : / ? ! % * # № @ < > _ + |
There are many special characters in the name | Product name contains too many special characters: !()-[]{};:'",<>./?@#$%^&*_~ |
Remove the extra special characters. |
Long name without punctuation | There are no punctuation marks in the name for more than 150 characters. | Put punctuation marks. |
There are a lot of repetitions in the name | Product name contains: • repetitions; • enumeration of keywords, search queries, synonyms of the product name. |
Correct the name so that it complies with the rules. Learn more about product name |
Transliteration can’t be used in the name | The Russian words in the name are written in Latin Correct: “gift box” Wrong: “Podarochnaya korobka”, “Gift korobka”, “Podarochnaya box”. |
Write Russian words in Cyrillic, and foreign words in Latin. Learn more about product name |
The product category and type are specified incorrectly | The specified category and type don’t match: • the product in the photo; • the category and type in the product name. |
Select the product category and type, according to reference information. If you haven’t found any suitable categories and types in the directory: • Select the nearest similar value from the list. • On the Ozon website, find products similar to yours and check their category and type. Specify them when creating your product manually or via the template. • When creating a product, paste a link to a similar product on Ozon in the category and type field. You’ll see its type and category. |
The description in the PDP doesn’t correspond to the selected “Author” type | The product description doesn’t indicate that the product is handmade. | Specify in the description that the product is handmade. Otherwise, select another category. |
The “18+” attribute is specified incorrectly | The rule isn’t observed: if the product is intended only for an adult audience, for example, there are images of erotic and pornographic content, alcohol and tobacco products, obscene language—the “18+” characteristic should have the “Yes” value. Otherwise, the value is “No”. | Change the “18+” characteristic value according to the rules. |
The product is prohibited for sale on Ozon | The product doesn’t meet the contract requirements, so it can’t be sold on the site. | Delete or hide the product. Learn more about products banned on Ozon |
You can’t offer to change the product parameters on request | The PDP states that the product is custom-made by individual parameters. | Ozon can’t sell products that are custom-made. Put the position card in the archive. |
Each product type from the product range must be in a separate PDP | In the name or description, the following phrases are used: “in the assortment”, “without the ability to choose the product color”, and others that may mislead the customer. | If you sell products in assortment, create several PDPs so that each item has a unique name and description. For example, if the product is presented in different colors, create a PDP for each color. If you don’t sell products in assortment, remove these wording from the name and description. |
The name or description states that these are product copies. The sale of copies is prohibited | There is a mention that a product copy is sold in the product name or description. | Change the name or description. Delete or hide the product. Learn more about products banned on Ozon |
You can’t use obscene language in the PDP | The PDP contains: • obscene vocabulary in any language that’s not hidden or partially hidden: it’s clear from the context what’s written; • derivatives of obscene words obtained by adding several parts of a word or by tampering with parts of a word or a whole word. |
Remove obscene language. If there is obscene language on the product, for example, an inscription on a T–shirt , put an “18+” mark . |
Create a new PDP for this product | In a previously published PDP, two or more characteristics have been changed: one product has been replaced with another. This is unacceptable. | If you’re creating a new product, add a new PDP. You can’t use an old PDP of another product. |
Add all keywords to the “Keywords” attribute | Product description contains many enumerations, synonyms of the product type, and key search queries. | Change the product description: • remove keywords and synonyms describing the product type; • describe useful features and characteristics of the product. Learn more about product description |
Errors in volume and weight characteristics #
Learn more about volume and weight characteristics
Error | Causes | How to fix it |
The dimensions or weight differ significantly from similar products | The volume and weight characteristics of your product don’t match the selected product type. | Correct them and upload the product again. If you’re sure that there are no errors, contact the support team: Content / Work with PDP → Creating and editing products. Describe the problem and send the article code of the product. |
Invalid dimensions | The product is too big: • Ozon warehouses store products up to 2,200 mm in size; • Ozon can pick up products up to 13,500 mm from your warehouses. |
Correct the length, width, and height and upload the product again. If you’re sure that there are no errors, contact the support team: Content / Work with PDP → Creating and editing products. Attach photos showing the actual dimensions of the product. |
Invalid weight | The product is too heavy: • the Хоругвино_Негабарит warehouse stores products weighing up to 120 kg; • other warehouses store products weighing up to 8 kg; • Ozon can pick up products weighing up to 1 ton from your warehouses. |
If you’re sure that the product doesn’t exceed the maximum weight, contact the support team: Content / Work with PDP → Creating and editing products. Attach photos showing the actual weight of the product. |
Dimensions are not specified | Product dimensions or weight aren’t specified. These characteristics are mandatory. | Fill in the fields and upload the product again. |
The values of length, width, height, or weight have extra characters or letters | Values in the Length, Width, Height, and Weight fields must be an integer. | Correct the fields and upload the product again. |
Errors in product photos #
Learn more about product photo requirements
Error | Causes | How to fix it |
The main photo should show the entire product or kit, not its part, components, or packaging | The main photo shows: • only the component parts of the product; • shipping packaging, in which the products are transported and stored in warehouses; • a product fragment, for which it’s unclear how the whole product looks. Exception: long-sized products that look the same along the entire length—fabrics, wires, wallpaper, tablecloths, blankets, curtains, towels, cornices. |
Replace the main photo with an image that shows the entire product. For example, if you are selling a bicycle, the main photo should show it as a whole, and not just one part of it: the seat, steering whee,l or pedal. Check that there are no shipping boxes of any format in the photo: corrugations, knocked-together wooden boxes, pallets. |
There should be no hieroglyphs on the main photo | Hieroglyphs or Farsi are used in the product image. | Upload a new photo without hieroglyphs or Farsi. |
In the main photo, the product should not be presented in the assortment | The main photo shows: • color variations of the same product; • the same products, but of a different size, volume, or shape; • text indications of the assortment: phrases “in assortment”, “without the possibility of choice”, and others similar. |
If you sell products in assortment, each item must have its own PDP with a unique photo. Otherwise, the customer may not understand which product they’ll get, and return the order or write a bad review. |
The main photo doesn’t match the product in the description | The description and characteristics are indicated for one product, and in the photo another. For example, washing powder is sold, and capsules are shown in the photo. |
Upload a new photo that will match the description and the stated characteristics. |
The main photo should not be black and white | The main photo is black and white or negative. | Replace the main photo with a color one. Don’t use black and white editing or negatives: this may mislead the customer and increase the number of returns. |
In the main photo, the product should not be inverted The additional photo should not be inverted |
The photo is inverted. | Upload a new photo so that the product is not inverted. |
The main photo should not contain information about the delivery and returns terms The additional photo should not contain information about the delivery and returns terms |
The photo contains information about: • delivery: terms, cost, method, geography, speed; • returns. |
Delete the delivery and return information from the photo. |
The main photo should not contain contacts, links to websites, and promotions The additional photo should not contain contacts, links to websites, and promotions |
The photo contains: • “cashback”, “draw” inscriptions; • phone numbers, links to websites, social media accounts, QR codes, promotions, prices; • calls to action on third-party online or offline stores : for example, to view the assortment, make a purchase, compare products; • logos of other stores, marketplaces, federal retail chains. |
Replace the photo with an image without advertising labels. |
There should be no watermarks on the main photo There should be no watermarks on the additional photo |
There is at least one violation in the photo: • the watermark is placed in the center of the photo; • watermark covers more than 50% of the photo; • the watermark text contains the website address; • the text on the watermark doesn’t correspond to the brand in the “Brand” attribute. |
Upload a new photo without watermarks. |
The image on the main photo is not a product The image in the additional photo is not a product |
The photo has nothing to do with the product you are selling. For example, you sell a laptop, and a sea landscape or an animal photo is on the photo. |
Upload a photo that will match the product. |
There is obscene language on the main photo, hide it. Specify “18+” attribute There is obscene language on the additional photo, hide it. Specify “18+” attribute |
You’ve selected the “No” value for “18+” attribute or it’s not filled in, although the photo contains: • obscene language in any language; • swearing and its derivatives. |
Select the “Yes” value for the 18+ attribute. |
The image of alcoholic or tobacco products is prohibited on the main photo. Specify “18+” attribute The image of alcoholic or tobacco products is prohibited in the additional photo. Specify “18+” attribute |
On the main or additional photo there are images, inscriptions, or prints promoting the use of alcohol or tobacco products, while: • “18+” attribute is filled in as “No” or not filled in. • The product is for children: clothing, footwear, toys. |
If the product is: • not for children: specify the “Yes” value for “18+” attribute; • for children: delete the photo with the image of alcohol or tobacco products. |
The subject or background in the main photo is dirty or the photo is of poor quality The subject or background in the additional photo is dirty or the photo is of poor quality |
• The product in the photo is dirty. • A dirty surface is selected as the background for the product. • The product in the photo is poorly distinguishable. • Pixels are visible in the image. • The photo is blurry, the product doesn’t have a clear outline. |
Upload a new photo in high quality. |
The main photo shows intimate parts of the body, they need to be hidden The additional photo shows the intimate parts of the body, they need to be hidden |
In the photo, the intimate parts of the body or the imitation of the genitals aren’t hidden or poorly hidden. | Upload a new photo where intimate parts of the body or imitation of the genitals are hidden. |
Errors in videos and video covers #
Learn more about product video requirements and video covers
Error | Causes | How to fix it |
Video contains advertising information: competitor companies' data, phone numbers, social networks, links Video package contains advertising information: data of competing companies, phones, social networks, links |
Video or video cover contains: • “cashback”, “draw” inscriptions; • phone numbers, links to websites, social media accounts, QR codes, promotions, prices; • calls to action in third-party online or offline stores , for example, to view the assortment, make a purchase, compare products; • logos of other stores, marketplaces, federal retail chains; • delivery information: terms, cost, method, geography, speed; • return instructions; • references to the image of a doctor or pharmacist, medical specialties or professional affiliation indications. |
Delete the video or video cover that violates the requirements and contains advertising information. |
There is no product in the video There is no product on the video cover |
Video or video cover is not related to the product. For example, you sell a laptop, and the video shows a landscape, a sea, or an animal |
Delete the video or video cover. |
Video contains obscene language, offensive statements Video cover contains obscene language, offensive statements |
You’ve selected the “No” value for the “18+” attribute or it’s not filled in, although the video or video cover contains: • obscene vocabulary in any language; • swearing and its derivatives. |
Select the “Yes” value for the “18+” attribute. |
Video contains alcohol or tobacco products or scenes of their use There are alcoholic or tobacco products or scenes of their use on the video |
There are images, inscriptions, or prints on the video or video cover that promote the use of alcohol or tobacco products, while: • the “18+” attribute is filled in as “No” or not filled in; • the product is children’s: clothing, footwear, toys. |
If the product: • not for children: specify the “Yes” value for the “18+” attribute; • for children: delete the video or video cover with the promotion of alcohol or tobacco products. |
Video shows intimate parts of the body, the soundtrack contains sounds of an erotic orientation There are intimate parts of the body on the video, the audio track contains sounds of an erotic orientation |
There are erotic images or sounds on the video or video cover , for example, moans, obscene sexualized expressions, explicit sounds of sexual intercourse. | Delete a video or video cover with erotic images or sounds. |
There is interference on the video’s audio track, the sound is very poor quality There is interference on the video cover’s audio track, the sound is of very poor quality |
A track in a video or video cover has screeching, interference, or harsh sounds that make it difficult to perceive. | Delete a video or video cover with poor quality audio. |
Video of low resolution, blurry, poor quality Video cover of low resolution, blurry, poor quality |
It’s impossible to view the product well on a video or video cover due to poor image quality. | Delete a video or video cover with a poor resolution. |
Video explicitly states that the product is a replica or a copy Video cover explicitly states that the product is a replica or a copy |
An explicit copy of the original product is shown on the video or video cover. | Delete or hide the product. The sale of copies and replicas is prohibited. Learn more about products banned on Ozon |
Video contains content prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation Video contains content prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation |
In the video or video cover there is information containing: • propaganda of war, incitement of national, racial, religious hatred and enmity; • methods of committing suicide, calls to commit suicide; • calls for mass riots, extremist activities and criminal offenses; • inciting minors to commit illegal actions; • announcements about the involvement of minors as performers to participate in entertainment events of a pornographic nature; • propaganda of drugs, description of methods of their manufacture and use or their sale; • places and methods of sale or cultivation of narcotic plants; • data on the sale of weapons, documents. The product doesn’t meet the requirements of the contract and can’t be sold on the site. |
Delete the video or video cover that contains information prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Delete or hide the product that is forbidden to sell on the site. Learn more about products banned on Ozon |
Video contains shock content Video cover contains shock content |
In the video or video cover there is: • violent and shocking images of bloody or dismembered bodies, deformities, mutilations, diseases, injuries; • footage of the fighting. |
Delete a video or video cover with shock content. |
Video contains personal data Video cover contains personal data |
In the video or video cover there is: • images of an open passport, SNILS, other official documents of natural persons: TIN, driver’s license, military ID or their numbers; • bank card data; • logins or passwords for accessing accounts on the Internet. |
Delete the video or video cover with personal data. |
Video contains politicized content Video cover contains politicized content |
There is a political subtext in the video or video cover: political arguments, calls for any political actions, flash mobs, boycotts, political slogans, agitation. | Delete a video or video cover with politicized content. |
Video has Instagram or Facebook symbols or interfaces Video cover has Instagram or Facebook symbols or interfaces |
Video or video cover has has watermarks, a demonstration of Facebook or Instagram interfaces or logo. | Delete the video or video cover with the symbols or interfaces. |
Video didn’t open Video cover didn’t open |
The video or video cover violates technical requirements. | Check that the uploaded video or video cover meets the technical requirements. |
Video is too long. Upload a video no longer than 5 minutes | Uploaded video lasts more than five minutes. | Delete a long video and upload a shorter one. |
There are watermarks on the video cover | There is a watermark on the video cover. Customers see video covers in the catalog: watermarks can make it difficult to work with it and spoil the first impression of the product. |
Remove or replace the watermark video cover. |
Incorrect media display. Validation error: unsupported resolution | The video has the wrong aspect ratio. | Upload a video with a different aspect ratio: • 3:4 for the “Clothing” category ; • 1:1 for other categories. |
Errors in Rich content #
Error | Causes | How to fix it |
Rich content has no product | Rich content isn’t related to the product or the brand store. | Upload Rich content that will match the product and the brand store. |
Rich content contains obscene language, offensive statements | You’ve set the “no” value for the “18+” attribute or it’s not filled in, although theRich content has: • explicit obscene language in any language; • swearing and its derivatives. |
Select the “Yes” value for the “18+” attribute. |
Rich content contains alcohol or tobacco products and/or scenes of their use | Rich content contains images, inscriptions or prints promoting the use of alcohol or tobacco products, while: • the “18+” attribute filled in as “No” or not filled in; • the product is for children: clothing, footwear, toys. |
If the product is: • not for children: select “Yes” for the “18+” attribute; • for children: delete Rich content promoting alcohol or tobacco products. |
Rich content shows intimate parts of the body, they need to be hidden | In Rich content, intimate parts of the body or imitations of the genitals are not hidden or poorly hidden. | Upload Rich content that will hide intimate parts of the body or imitations of the genitals. |
Rich content contains advertising information: competitor data, phone numbers, social networks, links | Rich content has: • “cashback”, “draw” inscriptions; • phone numbers, links to websites, social media accounts, QR codes, promotions, prices; • calls to action in third-party online or offline stores: for example, to view the assortment, make a purchase, compare products; • logos of other stores, marketplaces, federal retail chains; • information about delivery : terms, cost, method, geography, speed; • return instructions. |
Delete Rich content that violates the requirements and contains advertising information. |
Rich content explicitly states that the product is a replica or a copy | Rich content shows an explicit copy of the original product. | Change Rich content. Delete or hide the product. The sale of copies and replicas is prohibited. Learn more about products prohibited on Ozon |
There is a product prohibited for sale on Ozon in Rich content | The product in Rich content doesn’t meet the requirements of the contract, so it can’t be sold on the site. | Delete or hide the product. Learn more about products prohibited on Ozon |
Errors when working with barcodes #
Error | Causes | How to fix it |
The specified barcode is already used by another product: it won’t be accepted for delivery | The barcode you set is already being used by another product. | 1. Contact us: follow the link or click the message icon in the personal account at the bottom of the screen and select Create a request. Select a Content/Working with the PDP → Adding a barcode topic. 2. In the request, specify a list of all product barcodes and Ozon IDs in which an error occurs. How to find out your Ozon ID 3. We’ll check whether the product that already uses the barcode is identical to your product. If not, we’ll ask you to generate a new barcode. |
The barcode can’t be spilled. The SKU waiting period has expired | The barcode hasn’t loaded to the product because there are errors in the product. | Fix the errors and re-upload the barcode. To view the errors in the product, go to list of products and hover the cursor over its status. |
Invalid barcode format | The barcode format you’ve set can’t be used on Ozon. | If you don’t have a suitable barcode, generate a unique Ozon barcode. |
Validation errors #
Error | Causes |
Unrecognizable text in the attribute value. Fill in the field in Russian |
Fill in the characteristics in Russian or English. You can use digits and special characters. |
No descriptive category Invalid product category |
Select a different category or contact support: Content (PDP) → Creating products → Common product creation questions → I can’t find the type/category for my product. |
Invalid expiration date | Specify the expiration date from 90 to 9,999 days. |
Fill in the name | Fill in the Name field. |
Attachment name isn’t filled in | Fill in the PDF name field. |
Attempting to create a product from a prohibited category | Choose the allowed product category. Learn more about prohibited products |
You can’t attach to a discounted PDP | Create a new PDP. |
Failed to download any of the pictures. Try uploading them again | Make sure that the link is correct or specify another one. |
Fill in the attribute, it can’t be empty | Fill in the required characteristic, otherwise you won’t be able to create a PDP. Learn more about characteristics |
The price isn’t filled in | Specify the price: its value must be an integer. |
You can only sell products of your own production, the sale of registered brands products isn’t possible | Self-employed people can’t fill in the Brand field, since they can only sell products of their own production: such products can’t have a brand. |
Fill in the attribute with an integer | Specify an integer in the required characteristic value. |
Length, width, height or weight values have extra characters, letters, the value is not filled in, or it is zero | Specify the numbers in the characteristics values, remove the extra characters, and upload the product again. |
Product upload is not available. To add new PDPs, improve existing ones: Ozon will increase the limit | You’ve reached the limit for creating products. To increase it, in existing PDPs: • fix the errors; • fill in the product characteristics using the content rating tips; • check the filled attributes for relevance: for example, whether the name is correctly selected and how well the description is compiled. |
The price is out of the allowable limits for the product category | You can’t set the price below the minimum or above the maximum threshold in the product category. Set the price based on the average market one. If you want to set the price above or below the threshold by category, contact support: Price management → Errors when setting prices. |
Using formulas in an Excel file is prohibited | In the cell, you need to use a specific value, not a formula. |