Reviews and Questions About the Product

Customers can leave reviews to share their impressions about the product. Products with reviews are more often viewed from the search results and added to the cart.
Learn more about reviews

To get more reviews, activate the “Reviews for points” promotion.

Working with reviews #

To view customer reviews:

  1. Go to the Menu → Reviews and Questions section.

  2. Tap the Reviews tab. The reviews you haven’t viewed yet are shown first by default. To find other reviews, use filters, sorting, or search by product name or SKU.

  3. Tap the review to view its full text, comments, and photos or videos from the customer.

  4. Respond to the review if necessary.

To not miss new reviews, toggle on notifications in the MenuNotification settings section.

Pin a review #

Pinned reviews is a tool that you can use to increase customer confidence and conversion of their views into purchases.

Learn more about pinning reviews

To pin a review:

  1. Go to the Menu → Reviews and Questions section.
  2. Open the Reviews tab.
  3. Tap the review and in the Pin the review section, tap Pin for ₽ ….

The review is displayed:

  • As a separate section on the PDP. Customers can read the review without opening all reviews.
  • At the top of the reviews list in all product variants.

The review will be pinned in all product variants.

Change a review #

  1. Go to the Menu → Reviews and Questions section.
  2. Open the Reviews tab. The current pinned review is marked with the icon and the Review pinned note.
  3. Tap the review you want to pin instead of a current one, and in the Another review pinned for the product section, tap Replace review.
  4. Confirm the action.

Unpin a review #

  1. Go to the Menu → Reviews and Questions section.
  2. Open the Reviews tab. The current pinned review is marked with the icon and the Review pinned note.
  3. Tap the pinned review and in the Review pinned section, tap Unpin review.
  4. Confirm the action.

Answering customers' questions #

Authorized users can ask questions about the product and its characteristics. Try to answer them quickly to help customers make a decision about buying the product.
Learn more about questions

To view customer questions:

  1. Go to the Menu → Reviews and Questions section.

  2. Tap the Questions tab. The questions you haven’t answered yet are shown first by default. To find other questions, use filters or search by product name or SKU.

  3. Tap the question to view it and see the answers of other customers.

  4. Reply to the customer.

To not miss new questions, toggle on notifications in the MenuNotification settings section.

Collecting the first reviews via the “Reviews for points” tool #

Launch a Reviews for points automatic promotion to collect up to 10 reviews on a product. For example, if a PDP has:

  • 7 reviews, we’ll help you collect 3 more reviews;
  • no reviews, we’ll collect 10 reviews.

When products get the first 10 reviews, the number of orders increases by an average of 36%.

The “Reviews for points” promotion doesn’t replace other promotions you set up yourself, but complements them.

To launch the promotion:

  1. Go to the Reviews & Questions section.

  2. In the Collect the first 10 reviews banner, tap Launch promotion.

  3. Enter the start date of the promotion. If you leave the field blank, the promotion will start the next day.

  4. Check the predicted results of the promotion:

    • the number of products that will participate in it;
    • conversion increase prediction: the frequency of adding products to the cart;
    • the amount of money you’ll spend on the promotion;
    • the number of reviews that you may get.

    You can’t limit a budget for an automatic promotion or remove products from it. Once a product gets 10 reviews, the system excludes it. You can disable the promotion at any time.

  5. Tap Launch.

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