Working with Promotions

You can increase sales and get more orders by promoting your products.
Learn more about promotions

View information about promotion #

  1. Go to the Menu → Promotions section.

  2. Open the tab:

    • Available—promotions you can join.
    • Participate—promotions your products participate in.
    • Completed—all completed promotions.
  3. To view information about the promotion and the list of added products, tap the promotion’s card. To open the detailed terms of the promotion, tap .

Add products to promotion #

  1. Go to the Menu → Promotions section.
  2. Open the promotion card.
  3. Tap Add products or .
  4. Select the products and tap Add.

Remove products from promotion #

  1. Go to the Menu → Promotions section.
  2. Open the promotion card.
  3. Remove the necessary product:
    • drag the row from right to left and tap Delete;
    • open the PDP and tap in the upper right corner.

Change price and quantity of products in promotion #

  1. Go to the Menu → Promotions section.
  2. On the Participate tab select the desired promotion.
  3. Open the PDP. You can change:
    • promotion discount rate,
    • promotional price,
    • the quantity of products that can be sold through promotion.
  4. Tap Save.

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