Temporary phone numbers

What is a temporary phone number #

Under the realFBS delivery methods, we use a temporary phone number instead of the customer’s real phone number. You can give this phone number to the carrier or courier so that they can notify the customer about order movement.

Temporary phone number is valid until the customer receives the parcel or cancels the order.

You can contact the customer at the temporary phone number by phone and SMS, but not in messengers. The customer will see messages on the website or in the Ozon app in the Messages → Delivery from partners section, but won’t be able to reply. We’ll switch the call to the real phone number, the conversation will be recorded for security reasons. In disputed cases, the call and message recording will help us understand the situation.

How to view customer’s contacts

Only the customer sees the temporary phone number messages. You won’t be able to see them.
You can You can’t
Use the phone number while the order is in any status except “Delivered” or “Canceled” Use it when the order has been delivered or canceled
Call: we’ll forward the call to the customer’s real phone number Find out the customer’s real phone number
Send a text via SMS: we’ll forward it to the customer in the Messages → Delivery from partners section Send a message to messengers, send a photo or video


How will the customer know when the order has arrived at the pick-up point? We’ll send them a notification. If they need a code to receive an order, the carrier can send it in SMS.

The carrier requires a code from the SMS. How does the customer get it? The delivery service will be able to send the code in SMS: the customer will see it in the Messages → Delivery from partners section.

I can’t get through to the temporary phone number. It’s not working? Most likely, the customer is busy and can’t answer. If they don’t answer for the time allotted for delivery, contact support service and specify the realFBS. Delivery by third-party services from your warehouse → Shipment request subject.

What number should I specify in the delivery request on the carrier’s website? A temporary phone number from your personal account. The carrier will be able to call it and send an SMS. We’ll forward the call and send the message to the customer.

How long is the temporary phone number valid? Until the order is in the “Canceled” or “Delivered” status. If the order has the “Conditionally delivered” status, the temporary phone number will work.

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