
Return terms and conditions for customers from Russia #

Non-returnable #

  • Food, pet food. If the product is of improper quality, the customer can make a return within 1 day from the purchase date.

  • Digital products. Digital products of proper quality aren’t subject to exchange or return. If the product is of improper quality, the customer can make a return within 3 days from the purchase date.

  • Products with individually-defined features, such as an engraved vase or custom-made windows.

Within 3 days #

The customer can return any product if they have a complaint about the order execution:

  • wrong product, size, or color was delivered;

  • part of the set is missing;

  • the expiration date has expired or the product was damaged during delivery.

Within 7 days #

The customer can return products of proper and improper quality:

  • perfumes and cosmetics;

  • digital products on physical media;

  • non-periodical publications: books, brochures, albums, cartographic and sheet music publications, leaf publications, calendars, booklets, publications reproduced on technical media;

  • personal hygiene products, such as toothbrushes, combs, hair clips, hair curlers, wigs, hairpieces.

Within 30 days #

If customer has a Premium subscription, they can return products with a 30-day return period within 60 days.

The customer can return products within 30 days if:

  • the product is of proper quality, but the customer doesn’t like it or the size doesn’t fit them, or the customer ordered several variants to choose from;
  • the product is of improper quality: a fake has arrived, the product doesn’t work, or there are visible damages.

Products of proper quality that can be returned within 7 days, and improper—within 30 (with a Premium subscription—within 60 days):

  • furniture sets for household use;
  • household chemicals, pesticides, and agrochemicals;
  • medical devices;
  • auto and motorcycle parts;
  • electronics that aren’t technically complex;
  • antiques and art objects;
  • stockings, socks, tights, underwear;
  • artificial Christmas trees.

Complex products, such as watches or electronic devices, can be returned within 7 days if they are of proper quality, and within 15 days if they are not.

During the warranty period #

If the product has a warranty period, it can be returned within 30 days (with a Premium subscription—within 60 days). Some products can be returned within 1 year or later, if provided by the seller. The customer can find the return period on the PDP.

Upon return, a customer have to provide the original conclusion of an authorized service center or expert confirming that the defect is manufacturing, as well as the original warranty card, if available. If the product is technically complex, there should be a confirmation in the conclusion that the defect is significant.

During the warranty period, the customer can repair the product at the service center.

Return of products of proper quality #

The customer can return products of proper quality if:

  • marketable appearance is preserved;

  • there are no traces of use;

  • the factory packaging isn’t damaged;

  • when buying electronic devices, they didn’t install or activate programs;

  • consumer properties have been preserved and the expiration date hasn’t expired;

  • the customer returns the entire set of products, for example, both volumes for a book in two volumes.

Products that require refueling with flammable fuel, for example, gas or gasoline, are accepted only with an empty fuel tank or cylinder.

Notification about return request #

The customer creates a request to return a product. When registering it, they have to specify the reason for the return and attach an image of the product to the request.

You can find out that the customer has requested to return your product:

You can view information about returned products in the returns report.

Request consideration #

All communications between the customer and the seller, except for disputes, take place without Ozon’s involvement. If the refund request is in the Dispute status, Ozon support team will contact you to clarify the details.

Return requests can be processed either by you or by Ozon.

Learn more about pre-moderation

You can view return requests:

Step 1. Make decision on the request #

You have 1 calendar day to make the decision. Possible decisions:

If you don’t make a decision within 24 hours, the request will be approved automatically or passed to Ozon moderators. If you don’t have enough information to make a decision, you can message the customer in the chat in the return request. In this case, the request consideration period will be increased to 3 days.

Step 2. Wait for the product to be returned #

If you approved the request, the customer will send the product back to you and provide the tracking number via chat. After you receive your return, confirm it by clicking Return received.

The product can be in transit for 14 days. On the 15th day, the customer can open a dispute with the “Where is the refund” topic. If they don’t open a dispute, but the product is in transit longer than 31 days, the dispute will be opened by Ozon.

In case of dispute, you will receive a notification in your personal account or by email. If you don’t reply, Ozon will make a decision in favor of the customer. If at this point the package is still in transit, a decision on the dispute will be made after the package arrives.

If you haven’t made a decision within 7 calendar days after receiving the products, the request will be approved automatically and the money will be refunded to the customer.

Possible dispute decisions:

  • Return request approved if you have received the product;
  • Return request rejected if the customer has not sent the product;
  • Product in transit if the product was found in transit.

If you reject the refund, the customer can open a dispute after receiving the product.

Step 3. Make decision on a refund #

After receiving the return, you have 7 calendar days to check the quality of the product and make a decision on refunding. Possible decisions:

After 7 days, the request will be approved automatically, and the money will be returned to the customer.

Pre-moderation #

Ozon moderators monitor how you process your return requests.

Return requests for your products get pre-moderated if:

  • you don’t process them within 24 hours;
  • you’re biased in your decisions;
  • the products are damaged during delivery;
  • you receive a return request for a product that costs more than 200 euros, for which the customer paid the customs duty;
  • you put Ozon moderators in charge of processing your return requests.

Customs duty and VAT amounts #

The seller always pays VAT and the customs duty for the export of products from Russia. Duty and VAT rates depend on the category of the returned product and the country of return:

Request statuses #

Seller is considering the request #

Status Description
New request The customer has created a new request. You have 1 day to make a decision.
Awaiting clarification with seller You have 3 days to request additional information about the product from the customer.
Partial compensation offered You’ve offered partial compensation. The customer has 3 days to consider the offer.
Awaiting clarification The customer has rejected partial compensation. You have 3 days to offer another amount as compensation, reject the refund, or approve the request. If you don’t make a decision, the request will be approved automatically.
Partial compensation approved The customer has agreed to partial compensation. They’ll receive the refund to their account within 3–10 days.
Approved You’ve approved the return of the product. The customer has 7 days to send it to you, or the request will be overdue.
Rejected by seller You’ve rejected the return of the product. The customer has 5 days to open a dispute.
Overdue The customer hasn’t sent the product within 7 days or hasn’t changed the status.
Rejected. Dispute not opened You’ve rejected the request. The period when the customer could open a dispute has expired.
Dispute opened You’ve rejected the request for a refund, but the customer hasn’t agreed with the reject reason and opened a dispute. Ozon will consider it and make a decision.
Rejected by Ozon Ozon has considered the dispute and resolved it in your favor.
Canceled The customer has canceled the refund request.

Return is on the way #

Status Description
Return is on the way The customer has sent you the product.
Dispute opened Return is on the way for more than 30 days. Ozon will check that the you’ve received it.

Return received by seller #

Status Description
Received by seller You’ve received the product to check it. You have 7 days to reject or approve the refund. After 7 days, the money will be refunded automatically.
Rejected by mutual consent You’ve rejected the request. The customer hasn’t opened a dispute within 5 days.
Dispute opened The customer has opened a dispute because you’ve rejected the refund after receiving the product.
Rejected by Ozon Ozon has considered the dispute and resolved it in your favor.
Refund Ozon has made a decision to refund the customer. They’ll receive the refund to their account within 3–10 days.

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