Ozon Rating

Ozon rating is evaluation of logistics partners' rates by shipping cost, delivery time, drop-off point coverage, and availability of a free pick-up service.

The higher the position in the rating, the better the rate conditions are in terms of their characteristics combination compared to other participants.

We compare rates separately within each combination of the shipment group and delivery cost, for example, within Extra Small Express.

The rating is only available for shipping rates for products from China.

Rating criteria:

  • Criterion 1. Delivery cost.
    We calculate the shipment delivery cost based on the average weight of products transported by Ozon sellers from China within each group: Extra Small, Budget, Small, Big, Premium Small, Premium Big. Partner rates are sorted in ascending order by the calculated shipping cost.

  • Criterion 2. Delivery time.
    Partner rates are sorted in ascending order by the maximum time of delivery to the sorting center.

  • Criterion 3. Drop-off point coverage.
    The partner gets 2 points for each drop-off point in Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Fujian provinces. The maximum amount of points for each province is 6. The partner gets 1 more point for each drop-off point in other provinces, up to 6 points for all other provinces. We add up the points and sort the rates in descending order by the amount of points for each combination of shipment group and speed type.

  • Criterion 4. Availability of free pick-up service.
    If the rate includes a free pick-up service starting from a certain amount of shipments across the whole of China, the partner gets 10 points. If the service doesn’t cover the whole of China, the partner gets 2 points if the service is available in each province: Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Fujian.

Within each criterion, a rate receives 100 points for the first place, 90 points for the second place, 80 points for the third place, and so on. If a rate is ranked 11th and below, it doesn’t receive points for the criterion.

Next, the total amount of points is calculated with the formula:

Criteria weight depends on the combination of the shipment group and the speed type:

Speed Criterion Express Standard Economy
Extra Small Criterion 1: 70%
Delivery cost
Criterion 2: 10%
Delivery time
Budget Criterion 1: 70%
Delivery cost
Criterion 2: 10%
Delivery time
Small Criterion 1: 60%
Delivery cost
Criterion 2: 20%
Delivery time
Big Criterion 1: 70% 70% 60%
Delivery cost
Criterion 2: 10% 10% 20%
Delivery time
Premium Small Criterion 1: 50%
Delivery cost
Criterion 2: 30%
Delivery time
Premium Big Criterion 1: 60% 60% 50%
Delivery cost
Criterion 2: 20% 20% 30%
Delivery time
All shipment groups Criterion 3: 10%
Drop-off point coverage
Criterion 4: 10%
Availability of free pick-up service

The rate with the highest total amount of points gets the first place, the next rate by the amount of points gets the second place, and so on. Rates with the same total amount of points get the same position in the rating.

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