Create a Supply Request

You can create a supply request only in your personal account on Ozon.

New request #

  1. Make sure your products have barcodes and they’re no longer than 20 characters.

  2. Open the FBP → Create a supply request section.

  3. Select the supply warehouse and click Continue.

  4. Add products one by one or upload them all via the XLS template.

    If you’re already working under the FBP scheme, view the Product availability report. It contains the product list and quantity recommended to supply.

    Learn more about the report

    If you can’t add products, delete them and send a request with products without errors.

    You can send products you couldn’t add with the next supply. You can also contact support to find out why the products weren’t added.

  5. Specify the number of package units. A package unit is 1 pallet or 1 box. For example, specify 5 if there’re 3 pallets and 2 boxes in your supply.

  6. Click Create request.

    It takes 10 minutes to register your supply request in the JDL system. Wait until the request status changes to Ready for shipment. The request becomes available on the FBP → Supply requests → Transit and acceptance tab.

  7. Select the date in the Shipping date field to schedule your products supply to the warehouse.

    If the total weight of your supply is less than 20 kg, make a request at the website to avail of JDL’s discounted shipping program.
  8. Download the labels and label the boxes.

    If you can’t download labels, it means that the request contains errors, for example:

    • the barcode is more than 20 characters long;
    • the barcode duplicates another product’s barcode from your stores.

    If you don’t manage to fix these mistakes, contact our support team.

Box labeling #

Each box sent to the Ozon partner’s warehouse must have a unique label.

Once your supply request is confirmed, download and print the full set of labels from the personal account. To do this, go to the FBP → Supply requests section, select your request and click Download labels.

Each label is unique. You can’t copy or reuse them for other boxes.

There’re no requirements for the size of the label. It’s important that the text on it is readable. You can print the label on an A4 or A5 sheet.

Place labels on the largest surface of the box so that the barcodes don’t bend over the edges or corners.

Don’t place labels on the seams or holes of the box, they may be damaged.

Labels must remain open so they can be scanned and read.

Repeat request #

  1. In the FBP → Supply requests section, open the Archive tab.

  2. To сopy the request, click the icon next to it. You can also click Repeat the request in the request card.

  3. Edit the copied request. You can add products, delete them, or change their quantity. To view the product list and quantity recommended for supply, download the Product availability report.

    Learn more about the report

  4. Click Create request.

Once the request is created, wait until it’s registered in the JDL system. Then, select the date in the Shipment date section to schedule the product supply to the warehouse. Prepare the products, print and stick the labels from the Ozon personal account.

Request statuses #

You can view the requests on several tabs:

  • New: JDL hasn’t yet approved the requests.
    • Draft: you haven’t clicked Create a request yet.
    • Awaiting confirmation: you’ve created the request. Awaiting confirmation and receipt of request number from JDL.
  • Transit and acceptance: JDL confirmed the requests.
    • Ready for shipment: JDL is ready to accept the supply.
    • Accepted at the warehouse: supply is accepted at the JDL warehouse, acceptance started.
  • Archive: requests are closed.

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