Signing Up, Getting Started, Rules of Operation

I made mistakes when filling out the seller information. How do I make changes? #

Please report the error to our support team. In your request please specify what data needs to be changed and for what reason.

My personal seller account is blocked. When can I get back to sales? #

We will restore access once you correct the discrepancies and resubmit your request for moderation.

There are several reasons why your account may be blocked:

  • You have an outstanding payment for Ozon services. Learn more about fees and tariffs.
  • You do not comply with the terms of your contract with Ozon, or the platform’s terms of use:
    • you have a high rate of cancelled orders,
    • you violate the terms for product delivery,
    • you violate the content publishing rules,
    • you have tried to upload a counterfeit or fake product.

Learn more about the blocking reasons

Is it necessary for a brand to be registered in Russia before its products can be sold on the platform? #

You don’t need registration to sell. It’s required if you want to upload brand documents or report trademark infringement.

What do I need to do to register my trademark on Ozon? #

To register your trademark on Ozon, leave a request via our support team. We will consider registering your trademark.

How is the seller’s rating formed? #

A seller’s rating is based on several quality indicators:

  • Product rating. We take into account the average rating for all products that have more than two customer reviews.
  • Price index. This is the ratio of your price to the lowest price for the same product on other sites.

If you sell products from your warehouse, your rating is also affected by the following indicators:

  • Cancellation rate. A large number of orders canceled on your initiative may result in a rating decrease.
  • Delayed delivery. Based on the number of shipments for which you have violated the specified delivery dates.

Learn more about seller rating

What does the seller rating affect? #

The rating may affect impressions of your products on the website and their ranking in search results. The lower the rating, the fewer orders you can receive.

If you reach a critical rating, Ozon can block your seller account.

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