Returns Report

The report provides information about returned products that are accepted from the customer, ready for pickup, or transferred to you. It’s available only for orders shipped from your warehouse.

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Report content #

  • Return type: customer return or cancellation.
  • Date of return or cancellation: the date the customer canceled the order or made a return request.
  • Shipment number: parcel number which is displayed in your personal account.
  • Article code of the returned product.
  • SKU: unique product ID on Ozon.
  • Product name: product name on the PDP.
  • Number of products: number of products returned by the customer.
  • Cost of the product: the price at which the customer ordered the product.
  • Currency: the currency in which we refund the cost of the product to the customer.
  • Status: the shipment status at the time of downloading the report.
  • Date of status: the date when the return status was last updated.
  • Reason for return or cancellation: why the customer canceled or returned the order.
  • Comment from the client: additional information on the return.
  • Return method: to the Ozon pick-up point or to your warehouse.
  • Carrier: a logistics partner or delivery by agreement.
  • Track number: the number for tracking the return.
  • Where to pick up: the address to which we’ll ship the return.

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