Where the product is in the search

Using the “Where the product is in the search” tool, you can find out whether your products are displayed in search results on Ozon.

View product analytics in search results #

  1. Select Analytics → Products in search.
  2. Enter the request you want to check.
  3. Select the customer’s city or region. We take into account location that the customer specified in the settings or that the system detected automatically.
  4. Click Add products. Select up to 500 products by Ozon ID or product name. You can find the Ozon ID on the PDP. Where else to find Ozon ID
  5. To find out how organizations see your products, select Legal entity customer. If you sell drugs, select Customer with pharmaceutical license. Legal entity customers without a license don’t see such products.
  6. Check the search parameters and click Show results.

Query results #

The status will be displayed for each product. If the product is in search results, you’ll see the search engine position.

The product position is shown at the time the table is generated. There are many factors that affect search results, so the product’s positions changes regularly.
How Ozon search works

Product statuses #

Status Description
Shown everywhere except Android Customers don’t see the product from Android devices.
Shown everywhere except iOS Customers don’t see the product from iOS devices.
Shown everywhere All customers see the product according to the selected conditions.
No for this request Customers don’t see the product according to the selected conditions.
Not in the search index An error occurred during indexing. Possible reasons:

• The product is out of stock for more than 30 days. Replenish the stocks;

• There are errors in the PDP. See the report to find out how to fix them.

• Products blocked for violations.

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