
Graphs is a tool for viewing statistics on sales and impressions of your products. Using graphs, you can create reports on metrics of one or several products, as well as of a category of products for a certain period. To create graphs, use ready-made metric sets or create your own ones.

Metrics #

Metrics are quantitative indicators of sales, impressions, and conversions. There are several metric types depending on their purpose.

Types #

Ready-made sets #

Similarly themed metrics are combined into sets to help you quickly analyze your sales. For example, you can track which products sell best, how effective the promotions are, or at which stage of the sales funnel the potential customers most often leave.

If you can’t find a suitable set among the ready-made ones, create your own set.

Create a set #

  1. In the Analytics → Graphs → Metrics Setup section, click Set up.
  2. Click Add metrics set and enter the set name.
  3. Select up to 14 metrics you want to add to the set. The metrics are displayed in the table in the order you selected them.
  4. Click Save.

Add your set to ready-made ones #

If you think that other sellers might find your set useful, suggest adding it to the ready-made sets. Click Leave a review and specify which metrics you want to include in the set.

Create a graph #

  1. Go to the Analytics → Graphs section. You can create a graph:

    • based on a ready-made set of metrics: select it on the page;

    • based on your custom set of metrics: in the Metrics Setup section, click Set up, select the set you’ve created, and click Apply.

  2. Set up the data display:

    • select the period for which you want to view the data;
    • filter the data by category and article code;
    • set the data display step: by days, weeks, or months.
  3. In the table, click the metric you want to base the graph on.

  4. Select the product groups to display in the table: in the Groups setup section, click Set up. Select a group and click Apply.

    Types of product groups
    • Products by the third level of categories: the graph displays data on third-level products. For example, the “Women’s Sweater” product falls into the third category, “Women’s clothing” is the second-level category, and “Clothing” is the first-level category.
    • Products by brands: the graph displays data on products grouped by brand.
    • Products at all levels of categories: the graph displays data on products grouped by first level categories. Expand them to see the nested subcategories and products.
    • Products by the second level of categories and brands: products are grouped by second-level categories with nested brands and products.
    • Products by models: products are grouped by model.
    • Products only: each product is displayed separately.

By default, the graph displays the values from the Total and average row of the table. To display data from other rows in the graph, click next to the category name. Hover over the graph to view metrics for a certain day and see how they differ from the previous day.

Compare metrics #

To compare two metrics in the graph, toggle to Comparison above the table.

The metric that the graph is based on is selected for comparison by default. To select a metric to compare it with, hover over its name and click Compare. It’s displayed as a dotted line in the graph. To remove a metric from comparison, hover over its name and click Remove from comparison.

Download a report #

Click Download and select the report type: for a period or by days. The report for a period contains general data without breaking it down by day. Report by days contains data on each day of the period. As the report by days takes longer to generate, we don’t recommend choosing it for a period longer than two weeks.

To view the list of generated reports and their statuses, click Download → Open Download Manager. You can download the report from the download manager later.

The report can be in one of the following statuses:

  • Ready: the report is generated.
  • Generating a report: the report is being generated, wait until it’s in Ready status.
  • Error: an error occurred when generating the report. Try downloading it later.

The report is stored in the download manager for 90 days.

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