Conversion Rate

For sales, the conversion is based on the exchange rate at the time of order placement. For Ozon logistics, promotion, and marketing services, the conversion is based on the exchange rate at the time the service is registered or provided.

On weekends and holidays, the latest published exchange rate is effective.

To find out the conversion rate against the ruble:

  1. Select Global if you’re an Ozon Global seller, and CIS if you’re selling from a CIS country. CIS countries: Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.
  2. Select the settlement currency.
    Learn more about the settlement currency
  3. Specify the period of sales or service provision. Maximum period is 2 months.
  4. Select the type of exchange rate.

To download an XLSX file with the exchange rate, click Export to .xlsx.

Currency Exchange Rates
Foreign currency exchange rates to ₽



for 1 dollar

for 1 euro


for 1 yuan

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