Blocking Reasons

Your account, product, or warehouse may be blocked if you’ve violated the marketplace rules.

Reasons for account blocking #

  • You have debts in payments for Ozon services. Learn more about Ozon commissions and fees

  • You don’t follow the terms of your contract with Ozon or the platform guidelines. Contract for Sellers on the Ozon Marketplace

  • You’ve created more than 1 personal account for one TIN or business license. Products in your personal account and your access to advertising campaigns will also be blocked.

  • Your personal account is inactive. We block an account if there is no activity in it and:

    • 45 days have passed from the acceptance of the offer to product upload;
    • 60 days have passed from the product upload to the first sale;
    • more than 90 days have passed since the date of the last product sale.

    To unlock your account, contact our support team.

Reasons for product blocking #

Reasons for warehouse blocking #

  • Violation of order packaging and shipment terms.
  • Violation of order delivery terms.
  • “Channel error”: the percentage of shipments that you’ve transferred to a different service provider than the one listed in your personal account.
  • High share of late deliveries.
  • Complaints about suspicious activity.

Learn more about quality metrics

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